
Góriz - 2200 m

Webcam Video
Access on foot, 4 hours from la pradera de Ordesa
Open all year
80 beds
Valle de Ordesa, Fanlo , Sobrarbe, Huesca
Tel. : 974 341 201 •

Find out more

Online booking
  • Reservation is essential. In addition, you can only reserve a camping place on those days when reservations inside are already full. Don't come without a reservation.
  • The reservation of each camping place is valid for one person. Keep in mind that you are not reserving a pitch or a tent, and that the cost per person is the same whether you are going to bivouac or pitch a tent.
  • In order to confirm your reservation it is necessary to pay an advance that varies depending on the services you reserve. When you arrive at the shelter you must pay, in cash or by card, the total amount of your reservation. Check here the rates.
  • At the end of the online booking process you will receive a confirmation email. Take it printed or downloaded on your mobile (there is no coverage in the area), in case the forest agents request it during the climb to the refuge.
  • The payment of the camping fee includes access to the toilets and a hot shower. You will also have a locker to leave your material during the day. You'll have to put down your garbage.
  • You must bring your own camping equipment (bag, mat, tent). If you prefer to carry less weight, the refuge has a tent rental service (at an additional cost to that of reserving the camping space). Check conditions on the shelter's website
  • Do not forget to check the weather consultar la meteo antes de subir y de traer el material adecuado para las condiciones previstas. Góriz está a 2200 metros de altitud, por lo que la temperatura nocturna puede ser baja incluso en verano.
  • All the members of your reservation must identify themselves , by means of their DNI or passport, upon arrival at the refuge. You will be assigned a camping point and an identifier; in case of having reserved dinner at the shelter, also the turn and table.
  • Camping is only authorized between one hour before sunset and one hour after sunrise , depending on the official timetables for the area provided by the National Geographic Institute. You will have this information at the shelter, and also on its website.
  • For changes to your reservation or for any questions write to or call 974 341 201


Click on the icon to go to Google Maps' directions tool.

  • Showers
  • Coffe-Bar
  • Lockers
  • Hot water
  • Meal service
  • Multiprupose classroom
  • Heating
  • Cooking place
  • Public Telephone
  • Blankets
  • Leisure footwear
  • Accessible
Precios persona/noche
Solo alojamiento
Federados* menores de 14 años
10,20 €
9,40 €
19,00 €
12,30 €
Federados* mayores de 14 años
20,30 €
9,40 €
19,00 €
12,30 €
No federados menores de 14 años
13,30 €
10,40 €
21,40 €
13,30 €
No federados mayores de 14 años
26,90 €
10,40 €
21,40 €
13,30 €

Precios persona/noche
Solo alojamiento
Federados* menores de 14 años
5,00 €
9,40 €
19,00 €
12,30 €
Federados* mayores de 14 años
11,10 €
9,40 €
19,00 €
12,30 €
No federados menores de 14 años
8,10 €
10,40 €
21,40 €
13,30 €
No federados mayores de 14 años
16,50 €
10,40 €
21,40 €
13,30 €
Precios válidos del 1 de Enero al 31 de Diciembre del 2024
Año 2024 IVA incluido.

*Federados en entidades dentro de la correspondencia mutua de refugios - Web

Go to the accommodation website


Municipio Fanlo

11/12/2024 12/12/2024 13/12/2024 14/12/2024 15/12/2024
Sky conditions Poco nuboso Cubierto con tormenta Nuboso Intervalos nubosos Muy nuboso
low/high (°C) -9°C/ 0°C -8°C/ 4°C -8°C/ 3°C -10°C/ 4°C -7°C/ 2°C
low/high wind real feel (RF ºC) -9°C / 0°C -8°C / 4°C -8°C / 3°C -10°C / 4°C -7°C / 2°C
Precip. prob. % 5% 45% 10% 35%
min./max. rel. hum. (RH%) 95%/100% 60%/100% 85%/100% 65%/95% 65%/95%
Wind km/h C 0 km/h O 5 km/h N 5 km/h C 0 km/h
Go to the AEMET website ©

Predicción de montaña. Pirineo Aragonés

Elaborado por AEMET con fecha 11/12/2024
Válido desde 12/12/2024 hasta 13/12/2024

Estado del cielo

Intervalos nubosos de madrugada, aumentando a muy nuboso o cubierto. Periodos de visibilidad reducida.


Se esperan precipitaciones débiles y ocasionales a lo largo del día, con cota de nieve que irá subiendo progresivamente desde cualquier altitud hasta situarse en torno a 1.100 ó 1.200 metros.


No se esperan.


Mínimas en ligero o moderado descenso, y máximas en moderado ascenso. Heladas moderadas o localmente fuertes, que serán persistentes en cotas altas.


Soplarán vientos flojos o moderados del este y sudeste, ocasionalmente fuertes en cotas altas y expuestas.

Temperature and Real Feel (WC) in (ºC): Low (RF) High (RF)
Altitude Low Low (RF) High High (RF)
Canfranc 1160 m -4 -4 5 3
Refugio de Respomuso 2200 m -6 -12 -2 -7
Pico Bisaurín 2670 m -9 -20 -6 -15
Bielsa 990 m -7 -8 6 6
Refugio de Góriz 2215 m -6 -13 -2 -8
Pico Aneto 3404 m -13 -25 -10 -20
Atmospheric forecast
Altitud de la isoterma de 0 ºC en la atmósfera libre 1.700 m
Altitud de la isoterma de -10 ºC en la atmósfera libre 3.200 m
Viento en atmósfera libre a 1500 metros SE 30 km/h
Viento en atmósfera libre a 3000 metros SE 40 km/h
Go to the AEMET website ©

The date indicated is the day on which the information, which corresponds to the weather during the 24 hours before 10 a.m. on the date indicated, was collected.

11/12/2024 08/12/2024 07/12/2024 02/12/2024 01/12/2024 30/11/2024 29/11/2024
Temp. max ºC -1.5 5.7 8 9.8 8 12.4 11.4
Temp. min ºC -7.1 -8.4 3.7 3.1 5.9 6.9 6.3
Precip. cantidad 0 10 0 0.2 0 0 0
Precip. forma - Nieve - Lluvia - - -
Otros meteoros 0 ventisca N 0 0 0 0 0
Espesores cm. 0 5 0 0 0 0 0

Nearby accommodations
  • Hut
  • Hotel / Inn
  • Campsite
  • Resort
  • Hostel
  • Rural cottage
  • Apartment
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